Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) For Manufacturing Industry

Goat Robotics in Coimbatore offers a range of Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) solutions for manufacturing industries, ranging from 100 kg to 500 kg payload robots. Our robots are designed for adaptability and robust construction, integrating seamlessly into various applications. We offer versatility with features like end effector support, advanced navigation, and safety mechanisms. AMRs are intelligent, with sophisticated control systems and Wi-Fi connectivity for seamless communication. We provide scalability and flexibility for precision tasks and unmatched strength for 500 kg models. Specialized solutions like the GTXP 1000 and GTT 1000 are engineered for carrying and towing capacities of up to 1 ton in the manufacturing industry. For more details, contact Goat Robotics. We offer the best best material handling solution for your industry.

A manufacturing robot pushing a goods conveyor belt in a manufacturing facility robots sort boxes

Challenges in Manufacturing Industrial Operations

  • Manufacturers deal with delays and errors without automated logistics, which reduces efficiency and increases manual tasks.

  • Complex interdepartmental transfers create obstacles, preventing seamless operations and disrupting material flow in manufacturing.

  • Out-dated methods lack real-time tracking, generating disruptions and making effective material flow management difficult.

Our Products

AMR Solutions For Manufacturing - Goat Robotics

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Goat Robotics AMR For Manufacturing Industry

Top Material Handling Equipments in Coimbatore

Automated Material Handling

AMRs eliminate repetitive tasks like palletizing materials, freeing up the workforce for higher-value activities, resulting in increased production output and reduced labor costs.

Best AMR operation in Coimbatore

24/7 Operations

AMRs operate 24/7 without fatigue or breaks, ensuring continuous material flow and reduced lead times. It requires minimal infrastructure modifications, maximizing space utilization.

Best RealTime Data Tracking in Coimbatore

Real-time Data Tracking

AMRs, with data collection capabilities, optimize material handling workflows, reducing energy consumption and contributing to a more environmentally sustainable operation.


FAQ's About AMR For Manufacturing Industries

Our AMRs have varying payload capacities, catering to various weight requirements and models. Our range of payload robots, ranging from 100 kg to 500 kg, is designed with adaptable and robust constructions for seamless integration into various applications. We have specialized solutions like GTXP 1000 and GTT 1000 for carrying and towing capacities up to 1 ton, optimized for confined spaces and diverse operational landscapes. For more details, contact the best AMR manufacturers in Coimbatore.

The deployment timeline for an AMR depends on the complexity of your needs and customization requirements, but typically involves installation and commissioning within a few weeks. Our technical team will take care of the total installation process.

These are autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) specifically designed to transport and handle palletized materials within manufacturing facilities. Based on the client's requirements, we will customize the Pallet track, or AMR.